Always wash your hands before touching your fresh tattoo.
  • After removing the bandage, wash the tattoo every hour with warm water and a mild soap until the tattoo stops it’s oozing, “plasma cycle”.
  • Use your fingers with medium pressure during your washes, this will help get rid of any dried secretion you may not see. The dried secretion forms a barrier layer which is the start of a scab. The dead dermal layers will form more rapidly on the first two days of healing because of the inflamed dermal cells. Washing with warm water opens the derma pores and gives your skin a deep clean.
  • The first day I recommend a minimum of 4 warm water washes or every hour until bedtime. Apply the Ocean Foam before bed. 
  • The second day I recommend 3 washes and up to 6 applications of tattoo aftercare ointment.
  • Drying and peeling is normal after the 3rd day.
  • It takes takes 2-3 weeks for a tattoo to heal and you should apply ointment 5-7 times daily for 2 weeks.
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